
  1. 答:要把论文翻译成英文可以先用翻译软件粗略翻译一下,自己再仔细看看需要修改的地方,特别是专业用词,最后找人帮忙看一下。但是这种方法很容易出错,因此建议选择正规的翻译公司进行翻译。建议在挑选翻译公司的时候先看看公司的规模,规模较大的公司比较正规,译员也多一些。还要看看翻译公司是否有正规的营业执照,不要被冒牌公司给忽悠了。
  2. 答:一般先用翻译软件粗略翻译一下,自己再做仔细看看修改特别仔细看专业用词,最后找人帮忙看一下。当然也可以全人手不用软件
  3. 答:论文翻译成英文一般找公司来做就可以了,省时省力,我毕业论文就是找清北医学翻译这个公司翻译的。
  4. 答:找个英语好的妹子口述给她翻译,同时解决论文问题和对象问题。
  1. 答:Title: Easy Solutions for ERP Remote Application Problem by New Technology
    Abstract: With continuous expansion of business operation, a lot of corporations have been required to establish branches in various regions. There are increasingly close relationships between up-stream and down-stream corporations and mushroomed demands of remote office, mobile office, and cooperative office. How to solve ERP remote application problem in safe, speedy and convenient way is ing the embodiment and urgent affairs of petitive power.
  2. 答:Title: New Technologies in Addressing Problems in ERP Applications
    Abstract: With the continuous expansion of business, panies have to set up branches in different regions and the integration between downstream and upstream firms is strengthening with increasing demand in remote office, mobile office and coordinated office. It is a pressing issue to address the problems regarding the ERP applications in a safe, fast and easy manner for sake of demonstration of petency.
  3. 答:Easy Solution to the ERP Long-distance Application Problem by New Technology
    Abstract:With the continuous expanding of business, panies need to set up branch agencies in different areas. And the connections between upper and lower panies are also ing closer and closer.The need for long-distance, mobile and cooperative office-working is increasing rapidly. So it now es the reflection and first imperative of enterprises' competitive strangth to sefely, speedly and conveniently solve the ERP long-distance application problem.
  1. 答:英文人名是翻译的一个难点。应该慎重,不能草率。
  2. 答:这种情况,如果有碍于理解,地名,人名,包括文献参考书籍名称,建议可以翻译成中文,后面打括号或下面注释原英文。诗歌没有正式翻译,可无需翻译。
  3. 答:你敢直接把别人的英文名照抄下来么?音译个毛,译出来谁知道是谁啊?

