
  1. 答:Australia is a prising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania and numerous smaller islands. It is the largest country in Oceania and the world's sixth-largest country by total area. The neighbouring countries are Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and East Timor to the north; theSolomon Islands and Vanuatu to the north-east; and New Zealand to the south-east. Australia's capital is Canberra, and its largest urban area is Sydney.
    澳大利亚是一个由澳大利亚大陆、塔斯马尼亚岛和许多小岛组成的国家。它是大洋洲最大的国家, 也是世界第六大国家。邻近国家是巴布亚新几内亚、印度尼西亚和东帝汶北部;所罗门 群岛和瓦努阿图东北部;和新西兰东南部。澳大利亚首都是堪培拉, 其最大的城市是悉尼
  2. 答:澳大利亚位于最小的大洲大洋洲~是世界上第6大的国家~他是一个干旱气候为主的国家~只有少部分沿海地区有充足的雨量 她由六个洲组成 其中墨尔本和悉尼是最大的两个城市 他以明媚的阳光 数不清的牛羊和奇特的野生动物植物而著名 世界各地的游客来到这里欣赏他的美景
    It posed of six states. The climate of Australia is mainly arid and only a small number of coastal areas has adequate rainfall,但是澳大利亚的‘洲’是叫states,the countless cattles and sheep and the exotic wild plants,而非continents楼下的不错. Tourists from all around the world trel here to enjoy the beauty of Australia; Melbourne and Sydney are the two largest cities. It is well-known because of the bright sunshine。
  1. 答:澳大利亚(Australia)是全球土地面积第六大的国家,国土面积比整个西欧大一半。澳大利亚不仅国土辽阔,而且物产丰富,是南半球经济最发达的国家,是全球第四大农业出口国,也是多种矿产出口量全球第一的国家。
  1. 答:Australia is located on the southern hemisphere. It is the lagest country among oceanian countries. It has the Pacific Ocean to the east and the India Ocean to the west. It has a large number of islands around. The territory is about 769.2 spuare kilometres. It has a population of about 19 million and 74.2% of them are the descendant of English and Irish. The first group of immigrants who came from England arrived there in 1788.
    Most time of the year, the climate is warmand nice. Most of its population live on the southeast coast. Canberra is the capital of Australia, and Sydney is the biggest city.
    Australia has profuse natural resouse and developed travle industry. Millions of e here every year.
  2. 答:看到这条的都是LYB
  3. 答:sbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsb

