
  1. 答:给你现成的资料终归有限,你可以去查看各方经济学家对该问题的分析,集百家之长就是你的,另外,你还可以形成独立见解,这就是素质。
  2. 答:网上很多 直接搜啊 或者你可以进大学里的数据库 一般大学图书馆都有相应的数据库,供写论文用。一搜一大把
  3. 答:去看看郎咸平教授的演讲吧
  4. 答:留个脚印,下次回来看看
  1. 答:全部手译,本人英语专业毕业,8级,希望你能喜欢
    Abstract: With the continuous economic development, globalization has e an inevitable result of the social development This gives people more oppotunities to carry out various international coopertaioin munication mercial economy areas This paper describes the internal characteristics of business english and its significance in economic globalization, put forward its new tasks under the new economic situation in futureOne of them is the representative of folk fairy tales, and the other is the one of literary fairy tales This paper contrasts and analyses them mainly according to their theme,language style and so on, and shows each character of them After China's accession to the world anization, its economic development has been integrated into the global economic integration process Business English in this cooperation plays a major role of bridge
    Keywords: business English, connotation, function, challenge, economic globalization, trade situation and trade fields.
  1. 答:我晕,又是我们班的?这个还聪明一点……那CHM就直接把帐号那么大个SUNSHINE明放在那里,太好认了……

