
问:请帮忙翻译一下一个论文题目:经济全球化对中国高等教育的影响和对策分析。 谢谢:)最好专业一点~
  1. 答:the analysis of the influence and counter-measure/reaction of higher educations in China due to economic globalization
    某某 has analyzed and suggested counter-measure regarding the present situation of the handling of crisis by the government
  2. 答:经亩氏隐济核纳全球化对中国高等教育的影响和对策分迅厅析
    The Influence of Economic Globalization On The Higher Education In China And Its Countermeasuer Analysis.
    某某 对中国政府危机管理的现状作了分析并提出对策
    XX have made an analysis on the present status of Chinese government's crisis administration and bring up a countermeasure.
  3. 答:Impact of Economic Gobalization on Higher Education & Strategic Analysis
    ABC had analysed Chinese government's current crisis management and therefore put the counterpolicy on the issue.
  4. 答:the economic impact of globalization on the impact of Chinese higher education countermeasure and analysis.
    So the Chinese government's crisis management made an analysis of the current situation e up with strategies
  5. 答:An analysis of the impact on Chinesee high education by economic globalizzation and the strategy being employed
  6. 答:经济全球化对晌运悔中国高等教育的影响和对策分析:
    The analysis of the influence of economic globalization on Chinese Higher Eduation and the countermeasure for dealing.
    某某 对中国政府危机悄雹管理的现状作了分析并提出对策宴正:
    Sb analyzed the situation of the crisis management of Chinese Government and put forward countermeasures.
问:全球化的中国经济与大学生就业 论文
  1. 答:一q、我国大y学生就业的基本经济背景 (一w)经济高速增长0与d劳动供给增长7并存 (二u)经济体制转轨与v就业市场化6 (三v)经济结构变动与e就业调整 (四)技术进步与j大k学生就业 (五m)经济全球化3挑战与o就业 二s、我国高校大n规模扩招的原因和影响 (一i)高校扩招的初始原因 (二z)大x规模持续扩招对大g学生就业的问题 三a、我国“大c学生就业难”的演变 (一f)毕业生供给大d规模增加——“大o学生就业难”的出现 (二y)大v学毕业生的持续大h幅度增长7 (三y)大i学生就业的市场供求关系 四、我国大x当前学生就业状况与x趋势预测 (一a)巨4量的大r学生毕基此世业供给格局 (二v)近年大b学生就业趋扒敏势预测 五x、解决我国大f学生就业难问题的政策建议 (一z)基于f市场需求定位进行人b才h资源生产 (二g)塑造合理的高等教搏肢育体制和运行机制 (三z)协调好各人n力g资本投资主体的关系 (四)大y力f提升0大h学生综合素质 (五w)大e力z推动大t学生创业q邸浴>xσhb拧唰ek工s

